951-493-7100 dealer@aFePower.com

Legal & Trademarks

A trademark is identified as a brand name. A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others, and to indicate the source of the goods/services.

Proper use of advanced FLOW engineering (aFe Power, aFe) trademarks is important. You may use aFe trademarks or product names to refer to our products and services provided you follow these guidelines. Your use must not mislead consumers as to any aFe sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company, or of your products or services. In such references, you must be truthful, must not disparage aFe, and must not mislead the public.

It is necessary that you include the appropriate trademark symbol, whether ® or ™, with the associated mark only in the first prominent mention on a piece of marketing collateral, including introductory paragraphs, as well as in the first mention in text copy (but not including headlines, headings, or paragraph titles). If you are citing or listing a series of product titles, include the appropriate symbols with each name, e.g., Momentum®, Scorcher®, etc.

Trademarks are adjectives, and should not be made into verbs or made possessive. The common way to set trademarks apart from other words or nouns is to capitalize the product name and use the appropriate trademark symbol and appropriate descriptor. You may also underline, italicize type, or bold type for the name.

The list below are trademarks of aFe and are registered in the United States or other countries. Not all common law marks used by aFe are listed on this page. Because of the large number of products marketed by aFe, our intent is to list only the most important of aFe’s common law marks. Failure of a mark to appear on this page does not mean that aFe does not use the mark nor does it mean that the product is not actively marketed or is not significant within its respective platform.

The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of aFe’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.

  • aFe®
  • aFe POWER®
  • Takeda®
  • Magnum FORCE®
  • Momentum®
  • Scorcher®

® indicates that the trademark is registered at the US Patent and Trademark Office.

    Incorrect use of aFe POWER’s trademarks:
    • Do not omit a footnote/attribution for aFe POWER trademarks
    • Do not alter the approved aFe POWER trademark
    • Do not create any new logo for aFe POWER or aFe product names
    • Do not incorporate any aFe POWER product names into your company’s product names
    • Do not incorporate any aFe POWER product names into the root domain of any web site owned by your company
    • Do not misspell aFe POWER in text
    • Do not use the aFe POWER taglines
    • Do not connect your company name with aFe POWER product names
    • Do not use the aFe POWER trademark name for a product or service as a noun, or in the plural form
    • Do not misspell or incorrectly capitalize aFe POWER trademarks. Always include the letters aFe before the trademarked aFe name on the first usage
    Compatibility with Third-Party Products

    All third party trademarks referenced by aFe POWER whether in logo form, name form or product form, or otherwise, remain the property of their respective holders, and are used by us only to refer to the contextual use of the products. Our use of these third-party trademark holders in no way indicates any relationship/affiliation with aFe POWER, our products, or our website, and they do not sponsor or endorse our materials.

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